I am excited to teach and show you the Physical / Spiritual part of your Life in this Boxing Course. We can assure you if you are willing to put forth an effort and be accountable the sky is the limit.
Beginner Boxing Course / Spiritual
This be a Physical and Spiritual Section in this Boxing Course. I will layout the Fundamental from start to finish in this beginner Boxing course. It don’t make a different of age. If you are over 18 or under 18, you will be physically and Spiritually ready for whatever after this Course. My goal is to get you in position if you are pursuing boxing for a career or just trying to keep in shape. This platform will give you option with your life when you know your true ID in Jesus Christ. In life if you notice 9 out of 10 people that is closest to you is on pharmaceuticals, have weight issues or diabetic.
Calisthenics: Warm Up / Stretching
Starting out this should be a 25-30mins Process. Our goal is to get the Blood flowing from Head to toe. You will start with warm ups and Stretches, Push up, Set up and Jump Rope. Actions in this video will give you sample descriptions regarding the time. In this Calisthenics exercise the only equipment you need is a Jump Rope and (2) 1lbs dumbbells. Lastly the benefits of these movements builds serious strength, improve your brain & body connection and enhance your joints.
Lecture 1 Stance / Approach / Jabbing
This should be broken up in 2parts but this is the Foundation of Boxing. Your stance is your natural ability to move in & out, forward and backward plus in circle motion. Your approach is you constantly sizing your opponent up while deciding your move. Stalk coming to or boxs moving around your opponent.
Lecture 2 1-2 body head attack
This should be your approach after the Jab. Setting up combo’s to advance your opponent and keeping him / her off balance. These punches should be built on to perfect the fundamentals in your career. Your goal is the body head attack; 1-2-3 to the head; 1-2-3-4 in close to the body. The body head attack is your goal on the outside as well in the inside.
Lecture 3 Bob & Weave ; Remember Ali vs Fraiser, Tyson vs Douglass
Your True Identity
If you don’t know this, I want to be the first one to tell you; God through Jesus Christ has freed you from these. Failures & Defeat, Poverty & Humiliation, Physical, Emotional & Mental Sickness, Destruction & Turmoil plus Family Breakdown. Your true ID in the Trinity do not work for you unless you believe and confess it.